gifts to give and receive

Our Declutter Friends: Pouches & Boxes

The whole idea of decluttering and tidying is to clear our minds and enjoy a fresh aesthetic. 

At Paper-Ya we appreciate beauty and style too! Choose from our pouches for tucking pencils and pens away or a really pretty box for the "little nothings" drawer. We all have no shortage of small things that need to be gathered or organized.

Not all pouches and boxes are for managing our clutter. Some pouches go shopping or to parties, as they make the perfect little purse. Some boxes hold our most treasured memories and keepsakes.  

Do life with style while receiving the pleasure some simple things can give. A well designed pouch or a beautiful, useful box, now that, is simple!

Who wouldn’t love these?

A few of our favorite Aunts & Uncles just waiting for you to strut around with!

Naughty or nice~Gifts For the Stocking or Under the Tree

For her, something special that will be a joy to use everyday! Be prepared to see a huge smile on her face when she opens up her gift to find one of these babies!

Its fun to watch men in our store, they shop very differently than the ladies. They go directly to our "man case" and say, "I'll have that." No fuss. No muss. These are some of the more popular choices (according to our observations!)

For the sweet peas in your life, Paper-Ya is a treasure island. For all ages, and this includes the young at heart, you will find a little something special, different, functional and fun. 

By the way, it is quite common to hear our customers say that they are embarrassed to admit that some of their Christmas purchases are for themselves! Oh, how naughty! Don't worry, you are not alone! Enjoy the season~

The Bold & Beautiful Stendig Calendar

The Stendig Calendar, which happens to be the only calendar in the design collection of the Museum of Modern Art, has proudly been sold at Paper-Ya for many years now. The beautiful and functional piece of art was designed by Massimo Vignelli in 1966 and has been enjoyed in many homes since.

Kathryn and Perry's "Have Less Do More" Apartment | Apartment Therapy | Photo by Ashley Poskin

Kathryn and Perry's "Have Less Do More" Apartment | Apartment Therapy | Photo by Ashley Poskin

The boldly designed calendar measures three feet by four feet and switches between a black background with white letters and numerals and a white background with black letters and numerals for the different months. 

"Sweeden in Scotland" | Canvice | Photo by cushandnooks

"Sweeden in Scotland" | Canvice | Photo by cushandnooks

Stendig themselves suggest that this "impressive wall calendar (in the European style where Monday is the first day of the week), makes a great corporate gift, especially for architects, interior designers, real estate agents, or others in the home or design industry." And, since it is a classic design, it can be incorporated into many different places! 

Paper-Ya loves local handmade items. This is our snapshot interview with one of our very own, Emi at Noei Designs!

Emi, where did your brand name, Noei, come from, and what does it mean?
Noei comes from using a letter from each of my family's given name. I can't see them often because they live in Japan, but my heart stays with them.
How long have you been creating these pouches/pocket mirrors/wristlets etc.?
5 years.

Where did the idea come from?
I learned to use a sewing machine as a part of my school curriculum in Japan. My first project, a drawstring pouch wasn't successful, but it made me want to try harder. Since then, I have explored sewing on my own. I have never received any professional training. 
How do you choose your fabrics and designs?
All my items are designed by me. I usually start sketching, then try the pattern many times until I am completely satisfied. I visit lots of fabric stores to see new designs, colors and textures.

Do you have any advice for someone wanting to start their own line of handmade items?
I am still new with what I am doing and am learning every day. I can't give you much advice yet, but all I can say is that if you have something you're passionate about, start planning now. Life is shorter than you think. Just enjoy what you like.

Emi has been a Paper-Ya team member for nearly 6 years, and we're lucky to offer most of her wonderful products!